MOSSLYFE, The Brand.


     MOSS LYFE is a brand that came to be organically. I have always had curiosity in natural healing remedies and healthy lifestyles since living in the mountains on a horse ranch with not much near by as a young girl and teen. I became a student of the land, of plants/herbs, and of the people who have come before me with similar curiosities or passions for life, healing and growth. Through so many hours and days, months and years of research and development, I had discovered a whole new lifestyle to live by and a new inspiration and light to give to others.

  The SPARK came at the end of 2019 , from a close friend needing some assistance in changing their lifestyle and learning to heal themselves. I had already been taking multiple adaptogens, tinctures, and raw herbs daily and wild crafted sea moss had just come into my regiment. As an attempt to jump start their daily herbal regiment I recommended that they try sea moss because of the multitude of benefits I learned and experienced it offered. I whipped them up a batch, educated them on the benefits and usage, and we were continually feeling more vitalized, energized, and equipped to heal ourselves and work toward our visions and goals in life daily!

  As we have continued to strive for our dreams and goals and learn about the many amazing healing super herbs the earth has to offer, we have helped other loved ones who saw our light and enhanced energy, implement sea moss into their daily self care regiments as well, and after a few months MOSS LYFE was born! We are so grateful for the support and love we have received thus far and will continue to strive toward the vision of inspiring others to show up as the best version of themselves and cultivate enriched lifestyles and abundant futures because HEALTH IS TRUE WEALTH!